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How Realtors can Connect with Clients Virtually

Attracting new clients and keeping them engaged virtually continues to be a priority for real estate agents. As we (potential clients and buyers) mindlessly scroll through social media, the supply of content is endless. 

How can you catch the attention of clients during that boundless scroll? More so, how do you keep that attention? It all comes down to building TRUST. (Yep, we capitalized it) 

We have a few tips for realtors and expert advice from our interview with Howard Morrel & Leslie Hirsch, the co-founders of Morrel, Hirsch, & Advisors, to help you refine your strategy.

Have the Right Tools

The first step to connecting online is getting online. We’re sure you’re already there. Since, well, you’re reading this. 

The next step is having the right tools. The following is a checklist of online technology that can make connecting with and maintaining clients easier. 

  • High-quality camera (Or our contact information. Book here.

  • Social media scheduler

  • Smartphone with Cloud storage

  • Video conferencing tool (Zoom, Google Meet)

High-Quality Imagery and Video

Getting a user to “stop their scroll,” whether this is on social media or a real estate listing site is becoming increasingly difficult. More and more content is produced every day, and the production rate is increasing. You aren’t competing with just fellow agents anymore, but content in general. Eye-catching content is the best way to stop this scroll. In fact, homes with aerial imagery sell 68 percent faster.

In our interview with Morrel and Hirsch, they mention how most home buyers begin their search online. Listings with high-quality imagery and video are much more likely to do the buyer vetting process for you. We’ll dive into how your networking skills come into play after this.

In 2021, there are a reported 4.20 billion social media users. We focus on the use of social media for realtors because most of the next generation of home buyers are using it on a daily basis. Therefore, refining your strategy to reach clients virtually through social media is a must. Leveraging high-quality imagery and video is only step number one. Learn more about the benefits of drones in real estate.

Be Responsive

Being responsive is a big factor in building trust with your client, especially online. Hirsch says that responsiveness helps the client feel confident their realtor has their best interests at heart. Answering text messages, emails, or social media messages in a timely manner is key to responsiveness. Scheduling time each day to do this can systemize the process for you. 

Casually checking in with clients outside of your normally scheduled weekly call or email can also be a way to showcase your responsiveness. This shows them they are a priority to you and you are focused on your mutual end goal. 

47 percent of buyers and 44 percent of sellers claimed “responsiveness” as the top quality in an agent they look for. 

Be Transparent

Real estate has long endured the stereotype that the process is often not transparent. Being transparent with your clients is also an important factor in building trust. Communicate with empathy. Ensure them you’re providing the most information you can throughout the process.

Transparency can also be showcased online to catch the attention of clients. Social media is a platform this can be done on through feed content and stories. Share online your everyday routine,  the questions you ask initial clients, and other digestible information that will help clients get to know you better.

Provide Expertise

As we mentioned, most clients have already scoured through the listing of the home their interested in. As Morrel and Hirsch explain in our interview, realtors are there to provide the expertise and marketplace knowledge clients don’t have. You can do this by asking questions that may not be apparent through pictures and videos. For example, is the home in a flood zone? Has it been renovated?

Providing expertise outside of just current leads is a great strategy to attracting new ones. On social media, you can share knowledge and network with others to show potential clients you’re abreast in the industry. Ryan Serhant, founder and CEO of Serhant, an American real estate company, does a great job of this on his Instagram. In the image, you’ll see he’s posted an IG Live of him talking with Tom Bilyeu, Co-Founder of billion-dollar brand Quest Nutrition. They discuss valuable lessons for those trying to grow their business. This provides value while also representing his knowledge of the topics that are important to his potential clients. 

No matter where your location is, find what’s important to your clients and brainstorm how you can provide relevant expertise. Communicating online often removes the tone and sincerity agents want to express. This an alternative way to show them you care. 

It all comes down to building trust. By implementing each of these tactics in your one-to-one communication and online reputation, clients will get to know you better. Trust will follow. 

We hope this provided you with valuable tips to connecting with real estate clients virtually. Check back into our blog every Tuesday for more on what you need to know to keep growing as an agent.

Watch us dive deeper into this topic in our full interview with Howard Morrel & Leslie Hirsch, the co-founders of Morrel, Hirsch, & Advisor.

Contact us to learn how to increase your buyer inquires by over 400%!

Long Island, NY



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