The Future of Real Estate Marketing in 2021

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Real estate listings with video get 403% more inquiries than those without. 

Real estate marketing has experienced its fair share of downfalls due to the pandemic. Have no fear-- technology is here. The practice of social distancing combined with access to the internet has resulted in an increase in online home buying. In fact, it’s encouraging it. A study by found that nearly half of millennial home shoppers were planning to buy a home sooner than expected because of the pandemic. Real estate marketing will begin to lean on virtual tours and other tech tools as consumers get used to the comfort of making big purchases from the comfort of their couch.

We dive deeper into what the future of real estate marketing will look like.

Social Media Marketing

The next generation of home buyers grew up with social media, meaning they’re daily, engaged users. Most industries are catching on. Just ask TSA. Who knew security could be so funny? 

For a real estate agent, a social media presence helps build trust with leads. It humanizes you and the entire home buying process. It’s an intimidating process, especially for a first-time buyer. Social media can help you communicate your unique value (why they should choose you) before even talking to them. Maybe the days of cold calling are limited? Now, buyers can reach out to you directly with interest in something you’ve shared-- a listing, a deal, etc. Realtors have experienced success with both paid and organic content.

 Adding value and consistency are key to an effective social media strategy. Brainstorm what kind of information you think is valuable for who you’d like to attract and share it. By providing free information, you’re already on your way to a mutually beneficial relationship. Posting consistently is important to show you’re active. The social media algorithms love it as well. Anything to make them happy, right?

Video Marketing

Video, video, video. Research can’t stress it enough. Real estate listings with video get 403% more inquiries than those without. 

Whether it’s shot on an iPhone or one of our professional drones, real estate marketing with video gives prospective buyers a better idea of the place they could call home. Aerial drone footage professionally showcases a listing. Most buyers care about what the inside, outside, and surrounding neighborhood look like. According to a 2017 study by  Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, 39% of homebuyers used sites with embedded video during their home searches, and 56% of them felt it was “very useful.” 

There’s a catch-22, though. Poor quality video can have the opposite effect. In a high-definition world, consumers expect high quality. Professional video is more accessible, and often cost-effective, than its been in the past. 

DIY video is generally time-consuming and not as versatile. Professional videographers, such as ourselves, can Elevate Your Listing to help you sell and save money. Real estate drone video can often be re-purposed for testimonials, case studies, and more reputation-building strategies. 

Pro tip: social media algorithms LOVE video since it tends to get more engagement than static posts. Record an introduction to yourself today!

Virtual Tours

First came FaceTime, then came virtual tours. Virtual tours allow for a buyer to admire a home without even stepping foot inside. This is very convenient for international home buyers. There are over five million visits on virtual tours every day worldwide, and we anticipate this number is growing. Real estate drone video can simplify offering virtual tours. Tours should include an overview of the property, guided tours of each room, important specs, and an agent’s contact information. 

A virtual tour communicates you’re forward-thinking and willing to go the extra mile for clients by making the home buying process more accessible. Sharing a virtual tour on social media creates a perpetual open house.  It allows for “buzz” around a property and for instant communication with more reputable leads. 

Virtual reality and 3D modeling can also upgrade your real estate marketing efforts to present how a home will look before it’s even built.  

We’ve got your back on this one. We go more in-depth on the benefits of virtual tours here.


Automation has a bad rep for being unreliable and sometimes intrusive. However, the technology is getting better. Managing leads and keeping up with real estate marketing tools, like social media, can be overwhelming. Conversational AI uses natural language processing in chatbots to handle the initial conversation with a lead collected online. Set up a chatbot on your website to greet visitors and schedule bookings. AI uses machine learning to determine what to say next based on past responses. It’s important for a lead to feel taken care of, and these chatbots are sounding more human by the day. 

Automation can also be leveraged in your advertising efforts. Automated advertising can use listings off your website to generate ads and deliver them to a specific audience. Schedule ads, control bids and optimize content within the ads. Facebook is a leader in social automation advertising. The platform can create up to 6 different versions of an ad, using imagery,  copy, and CTA buttons, to deliver the ads most likely to convert. While Facebook can handle the work of crafting ads, be sure to continually check to ensure your budget is spent efficiently. 
Now, you’ve collected a ton of leads. Staying organized is next. Softwares like Follow Up Boss, Contactually, and LionDesk, help you keep track of it all. Automating elements of your process from start to finish will help you scale as an agent and to spend more time on warm leads.

*Our friends at Follow Up Boss want to offer you 50% off your first month when you use this link.

*LionDesk is also offering 10% off your first subscription when you use code 1263542 at this link.

The virtual world of real estate marketing is one with tons of possibilities. These are just a few trends we see on the rise. As a professional drone firm based in Long Island, NY, we can help you tackle a few of them. Contact us to book a free consultation. Schedule a call on our website or contact us directly.

Long Island, NY


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